iGUIDE Radix – Remodel
A virtual tour like experience that includes a point cloud for navigation as well as 360-degree visuals. It’s flexibility and speed make it well suited for documenting spaces for construction progress monitoring or for capturing data to be used as an underlay for 3rd party drawing software. Key Features include:
- Virtual walkthrough with point cloud for navigation and 360-degree visuals
- Choice of DWG, ESX, or RVT file formats
- iGUIDE content delivery platform features such as Photo Gallery, Analytics Report, Video Integration, Neighborhood Map, Branding, access to the Embedding Tool and Feature Sheet Creatorfile for download with point cloud data
- On-site tagging
- iGUIDE content delivery platform features such as Photo Gallery, Analytics Report, Video Integration, Neighborhood Map, Branding, access to the Embedding Tool and Feature Sheet Creator